Building the next generation of Subgraphs ☄️

Welcome to The Graph BuildersDAO, your trusted team of developers specializing in building exceptional 'subgraphs' and 'substreams'. If you're looking for top-notch data tools to enhance your protocol, you've come to the right place. Our talented developers have a proven track record of constructing some of the most successful subgraphs within the protocol.

Building with us 🪐

At Graph BuildersDAO, we understand the critical role that accurate and efficient data plays in the success of your project. Our expertise lies in crafting powerful subgraphs and substreams that provide comprehensive and reliable data solutions for your protocol. Our community leverages a large number of developers who have built subgraphs for nearly every type of smart contract.

The Graph BuildersDAO works with a Bounty System - this means that any member in our ecosystem has the chance to build and earn. All members are vetted on their skills and assigned unique tokens, which give them access to different levels of bounties. There are also open roles which anyone can apply for once being voted into the DAO!

Do you have experience in:

  • Smart Contract Development

  • Frontend Frameworks

  • DevOps

  • Subgraphs & Substreams

  • Rust Development

Yes? Apply for membership and start your first bounty! 💰

We are looking for the best buidlers in web3 🛠️